Culinary Botanicals

Showing 1–48 of 94 results


SKU: HT12-025

SKU: HT12-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1431 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Curcuma longaOrigin: IndiaProduction: Our Turmeric is grown in the state of Odisha, in India. The whole turmeric fingers are harvested, cleaned and then dried in solar and/or electric dryers reaching a maximum temperature of 32 degrees celsius. It is then tumbled...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
46 reviews

SKU: HC51-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (6 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical name: Cinnamomum verum/Cinnamomum zeylanicumOrigin: Sri Lanka Production: True cinnamon has several thin layers shaved from the inner bark of the tree, unlike the more common cassia cinnamon, which is thicker and curls from both sides inward. Qualities: True cinnamon, also...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
20kg (44lb)
25 reviews

SKU: HP15-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Piper nigrumOrigin: Sri Lanka / India / VietnamProduction: Piper nigrum is a flowering vine that produces berries that hang off of the plant in drupes. Berries start out green and eventually ripen to red. Black peppercorns are produced...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
31 reviews

SKU: HP03-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (686 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Capsicum annuumOrigin: SpainProduction: Paprika is made from varieties of Capsicum annuum peppers, mostly bell and chili peppers. It is dried, smoked, and ground.Qualities: Paprika is most commonly viewed as a culinary herb. The spiciness depends on the proportion of...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
18.2kg (40lb)
19 reviews

SKU: HG10-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (22 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Zingiber officinaleOrigin: IndiaProduction: Ginger is a flowering plant, native to Southeastern Asia, whose root is harvested and used for consumption.Qualities: Internal use of ginger can be helpful with soothing upset stomachs, preventing dizziness, nausea and motion sickness, and easing pain and cramping...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
22 reviews


SKU: HG06-025

SKU: HG06-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (41 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Allium sativumOrigin: Egypt / ChinaProduction: Garlic is a close relative to the onion, shallot, leek, and chive. It is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran, but is now grown all over the world. The plant sends up hollow leaves from the underground...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
15 reviews


SKU: HG04-025

SKU: HG04-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (25 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Allium sativumOrigin: ChinaProduction: Garlic is a close relative to the onion, shallot, leek, and chive. It is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran but is now grown all over the world. The plant sends up hollow leaves from the...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
25kg (55lb)
20 reviews

SKU: HC48-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (281 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum cassiaOrigin: Vietnam / IndonesiaProduction: Cinnamon (cassia) is widely cultivated in tropical or subtropical areas throughout Asia. Once harvested, the bark curls up into quills when left to dry.Qualities: Cinnamon has had many medicinal and culinary uses throughout history. It is believed to...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
25kg (55lb)
19 reviews

SKU: HC74-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Cuminum cyminumCountry of Origin: IndiaProduction: Cumin is a flowering plant, related to parsley, that is native to the eastern Mediterranean and South Asia. The small fruit of the plant contains a single seed, which has eight ridges with...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
20 reviews

SKU: B785-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1713 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Ingredients: dulse, nori, sea lettuce, wakame, kombu, longicruris, and knotted wrack flakesOrigin: CanadaProduction: All ingredients are sustainably wildcrafted and hand-harvested from the icy, clean waters of the Bay of Fundy, Canada, then sun-dried.Qualities: The Seven Sea-Veggie Blend is an amazing nutritional booster, providing many...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
48 reviews

SKU: HO12-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (5147 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Origanum vulgareOrigin: Greece / TurkeyProduction: Origanum vulgare is a flowering perennial herb in the mint family that blossoms small pinkish purple flowers.Qualities: Oregano is a culinary herb with a warm, pungent, slightly bitter taste that varies in intensity depending...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
9 reviews

SKU: HCX1-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Ingredients: organic turmeric, organic coriander, organic cumin, organic ginger, organic cinnamon, organic black pepper, organic fenugreek, organic cayenne, organic mustard, organic cardamomCountry of Origin: Made in Canada.Qualities: Blending the deep, earthy flavours of cumin and mustard, with the zing of...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
17 reviews


SKU: HT03-013

SKU: HT03-013

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Thymus vulgarisOrigin: Tunisia / Egypt / TurkeyProduction: Thyme is a perennial evergreen from the mint family. It is grown in hot, sunny locations in well-drained soil and has woody stems, small rounded leaves, and blooms pink flowers.Qualities: Historically, thyme has been used...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
9 reviews


SKU: HB05-013

SKU: HB05-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (900 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicumOrigin: Egypt / USAProduction: The basil plant is native to India. It is a herb with silky green leaves and white blossoms that is part of the mint family. Qualities: Basil has a strong, sweet, aroma and...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
1.1kg (2.5lb)
12.5 kg (27.5lbs)
9 reviews

SKU: HP02-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1173 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Capsicum annuumOrigin: China ​Production: Paprika is made from dried and ground varieties of Capsicum annuum peppers, mostly bell and chili peppers. Qualities: Paprika is most commonly viewed as a culinary herb. The spiciness depends on the proportion of seed, rind,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
12 reviews

SKU: HCX2-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical name: Capsicum annuum Jalapeño Ingredients: Organic Paprika, Organic Cumin, Organic Cayenne, Organic Garlic, Organic OnionCountry of Origin: Various for the spices, but blended in-house in British Columbia. Common Use: Traditionally used for spicing meat or chilis, this gentle chili powder has only a...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
13 reviews


SKU: B301-025

SKU: B301-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (31 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Ingredients: nutritional yeast, Himalayan pink salt, organic onion, organic garlic, organic turmeric root, savory leaf, organic sage leaf, organic thyme leaf, marjoram leaf, organic parsley leaf, organic celery seed, organic black peppercorn. Contains 23% salt.Origin: CanadaCommon use: Stir into boiling water for a cup...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
37 reviews


SKU: HB07-003

SKU: HB07-003

AVAILABILITY: In stock (5104 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Laurus nobilisOrigin: TurkeyProduction: Bay leaves come from a flowering evergreen tree that has glabrous leaves and is native to the Mediterranean region. Qualities: Aromatic bay leaves are often used in food preparations to add flavor to dishes. In...

14g (0.5oz)
56g (1/8lb)
227g (1/2lb)
20 reviews

SKU: HR20-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2788 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalisOrigin: TurkeyProduction: Rosemary is a perennial herb that is a member of the mint family, with needle-like green leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers. Upon cultivation, the leaves are separated for use. Qualities: Rosemary has a slightly...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2kg (4.4lb)
8 reviews

SKU: HC22-5

AVAILABILITY: In stock (14 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Capsicum annuumOrigin: India Production: Cayenne peppers are a type of long, tapering, red-colored peppers with curved tips that grow in tropical and temperate locations, taking about 100 days to fully mature. The peppers are dried and ground, sometimes mixed with...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
16 reviews

SKU: HF01-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgareOrigin: Egypt Production: Fennel is a flowering perennial herb that belongs to the carrot family. It is indigenous to the Mediterranean but has become naturalized all over the world.Qualities: Fennel is prized as a flavourful, aromatic spice, used...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
14 reviews


SKU: HC73-025

SKU: HC73-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1386 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Cuminum cyminumCountry of Origin: Egypt or IndiaProduction: Cumin is a flowering plant, related to parsley, that is native to the eastern Mediterranean and South Asia. The small fruit of the plant contains a single seed, which has eight ridges with oil...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
11 reviews


SKU: HD11-025

SKU: HD11-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1158 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Anethum graveolensOrigin: Egypt / TunisiaProduction: Dill is an annual herb that looks similar to fennel. Its seeds and leaves are edible and used for flavoring food.Qualities: Dill has a long history of use in herbal medicine and in...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
1kg (2.2lb)
11 reviews


SKU: HO05-025

SKU: HO05-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (4939 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Allium cepaOrigin: China / EgyptQualities: Onions have certain antiseptic properties, and contain quercetin, allicin, allyl sulfide, vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidonic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid.Common Use: Onion can be added to broths, soups, stir-frys,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
25kg (55lb)
7 reviews

SKU: HG09-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Zingiber officinaleOrigin: India Production: Ginger is a flowering plant, native to Southeastern Asia, whose root is harvested and used for consumption.Qualities: Internal use of ginger can be helpful with soothing upset stomachs, preventing dizziness, nausea and motion sickness, and easing...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
18 reviews

SKU: HC11-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (3275 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Elettaria cardamomumOrigin: GuatemalaProduction: Cardamom is the fruit of a tropical plant and is one of the world's most expensive spices, after saffron and vanilla, because the production is very long and labor intensive. The tall plants flower for...

56g (2oz)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
11 reviews


SKU: HIX1-013

SKU: HIX1-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (281 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Ingredients: oregano, organic marjoram, thyme, organic basil, rosemary, organic sageOrigin: various parts of the world    Processed: CanadaQualities: This spice blend is a zesty addition to a wide variety of recipes. The essential basil, oregano, and thyme blend is complemented with...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
1.1kg (2.5lb)
15 reviews

SKU: HA18-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2435 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: illicium verumOrigin: VietnamProduction: Star anise is the star-shaped (usually eight-pointed) fruit of Illicium verum, an evergreen tree that is native to Northeastern Vietnam and Southwestern China. Qualities: Also known as star anise seed, Chinese anise, Indian anise, or...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
15 reviews

SKU: HO07-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (5082 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Allium cepaOrigin: India / EgyptQualities: Onions have certain antiseptic properties, and contain quercetin, allicin, allyl sulfide, vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidonic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid.Common Use: Onion powder can be added to broths, soups,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
2 reviews

SKU: HC38-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2226 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Capsicum annuumOrigin: IndiaProduction: Crushed, dried red pepper flakes are most often produced from cayenne-type peppers, though sometimes a variety of peppers are used such as bell peppers, cayenne, jalapenos, chiltepin, and all forms of New Mexico chili.Qualities: Chili...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
15 reviews


SKU: HC54-025

SKU: HC54-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticumOrigin: Sri LankaProduction: The clove tree is an evergreen with large leaves and small flowers grouped in clusters. The flower buds turn from pale blue to bright red when they are ready for harvest.Qualities: The essential oil eugenol is what gives...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
10 reviews

SKU: HB55-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (5164 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Arctium lappaOrigin: ChinaProduction: The plant of the burdock root is a biennial that blooms bright pink/red/purple thistle-like flowers on long stalks. The plant is native to Europe and Asia but has now been naturalized in North America and...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
25kg (55lb)
17 reviews


SKU: HGX8-025

SKU: HGX8-025

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Ingredients: organic coriander, organic fennel seed, organic cumin, organic cinnamon, organic cardamom, organic ginger, organic black pepper, organic cloveOrigin: various parts of the world    Processed: Canada Qualities: Garam masala is staple spice blend in Indian cuisine, as prominent as curry but...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
8 reviews

SKU: B400-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (900 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Lentinula edodesOrigin: China   Storage:  store in a cool, dry, dark place in a well sealed container. Disclaimer: This product has been packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and other potential allergens.

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
14 reviews


SKU: B710-025

SKU: B710-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (4123 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Palmaria palmataOrigin: CanadaProduction: Wildcrafted, sun-dried, and sustainably hand-harvested from the icy, clean waters of the Bay of Fundy, Canada.Qualities: Dulse provides a wealth of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and protein. It is also rich in healthy fatty acids, trace...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
22.68kg (50lb)
54 reviews

SKU: HV02-003

AVAILABILITY: In stock (84 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical name: Vanilla planifoliaOrigin: MadagascarQuantity: about 3-5 beans/ 14g pack Disclaimer: This product has been packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and other potential allergens.

14g (.5oz)
113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
10 reviews

SKU: HC64-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (3053 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativumCountry of Origin: Bulgaria /IndiaProduction: Coriander, also known as cilantro, is an annual herb native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. The seed is actually the small, globular fruit of the plant. Qualities: The coriander seed has a...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
4 reviews

SKU: HC63-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1958 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativumCountry of Origin: IndiaProduction: Coriander, also known as cilantro, is an annual herb native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. The seed is actually the small, globular fruit of the plant.Qualities: The coriander seed has a variety of culinary and medicinal...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
9 reviews

SKU: HC50-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1450 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical name: Cinnamomum verum/Cinnamomum zeylanicumOrigin: Sri LankaProduction: True cinnamon has several thin layers shaved from the inner bark of the tree, unlike the more common cassia cinnamon, which is thicker and curls from both sides inward. Qualities: True cinnamon, also...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
9 reviews


SKU: HN09-013

SKU: HN09-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1002 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Myristica fragransOrigin: Sri LankaProduction: Nutmeg isn't truly a nut, it is the pit of a fruit that is similar to an apricot. The tree can be harvested seven to nine years after it is planted, and it is in...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
25kg (55lb)
5 reviews

SKU: HP04-013

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispumOrigin: Egypt / TunisiaProduction: Parsley is a bright green, flowering plant that is native to the Mediterranean and that has been naturalized all over the world. Qualities: Parsley is considered to be a herb, spice, and a...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
10 reviews

SKU: HO06-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Allium cepaOrigin: China / IndiaQualities: Onions have certain antiseptic properties, and contain quercetin, allicin, allyl sulfide, vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidonic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid.Common Use: Onion can be added to broths, soups,...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
13.6kg (30lb)
9 reviews

SKU: HC09-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (2375 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Elettaria cardamomumOrigin: GuatemalaProduction: Cardamom is the fruit of a tropical plant and is one of the world's most expensive spices, after saffron and vanilla, because the production is very long and labor intensive.The tall plants flower for eight or nine months of...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
6 reviews

SKU: HP16-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (11 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Piper nigrumOrigin: Vietnam / Sri LankaProduction: Black peppercorns are produced by picking the pepper berries when they are half ripe and then leaving them to ferment and dry, which causes them to shrivel and become dark in color.Qualities: The...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
4 reviews


SKU: HG03-025

SKU: HG03-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (1783 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Allium sativumOrigin: China / EgyptProduction: Garlic is a close relative to the onion, shallot, leek, and chive. It is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran but is now grown all over the world. The plant sends up hollow leaves from the underground bulb. The...

113g (1/4lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lbs)
7 reviews


SKU: HC55-013

SKU: HC55-013

AVAILABILITY: In stock (201 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticumOrigin: Sri LankaProduction: The clove tree is an evergreen with large leaves and small flowers grouped in clusters. The flower buds turn from pale blue to bright red when they are ready for harvest. Qualities: The essential...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
2.27kg (5lb)
6 reviews


SKU: HL09-013

SKU: HL09-013

AVAILABILITY: Temporarily out of stock

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratusOrigin: Egypt / Sri LankaProduction: Lemongrass is an ornamental, perennial, tropical grass that is native to South and Southeast Asia. Qualities: Lemongrass has a bright and fresh lemony and almost rosy aroma and is an important ingredient...

56g (1/8lb)
454g (1lb)
10kg (22lb)
10 reviews


SKU: B781-025

SKU: B781-025

AVAILABILITY: In stock (397 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Culinary Herb

Botanical Name: LaminariaWild HarvestedOrigin: CanadaProduction: Sustainably hand-picked and sun-cured from the clean, cold waters of Canada's East coast.Qualities: Kombu is known for tenderizing proteins and supporting healthy digestion. It is also a great source of iron and iodine. Naturally Contains 312mg of sodium in 7g...

113g (1/4lb)
227g (1/2lb)
12 reviews